Day Trips from Xcalak – Vidrio Soplado Mexicano

I have been having a difficult time keeping in Roberita glasses. Over time, they get broken, and the only place I know of to get rather unremarkable margarita glasses is at a hotel supply store in Cancun. After having gone to Casa de los Venados and seeing the hand crafted glass that they had there, I started looking around for something a little more authentic and unique. A little googling and I found Vidrio Soplado Mexicano. This is another location that works better as a stop on the way to or the way home from Xcalak. It’s a bit far for a day-trip.

Our Visit
Google puts the shop on the wrong side of the street but you should be able to find it. When you walk into the store, you see shelves and shelves of blown glass, cups, glasses, pitchers and other pieces in long rows. If you wander over to the right hand side, you will see the manufacturing being done in the space next door. There is an opening in the wall that you can watch the artisans blowing glass. A half a dozen people working on molten glass. Pretty cool. I love the fact that every piece is unique and the imperfections in the glass adds a beauty that make them more than just a holder of Margaritas.

Don’t Miss
I know that it is difficult to travel with glass, but I love the hand made quality and the weight of the blown glass. I don’t think I will be going back to hotel supply store margarita glasses ;).