Giving Back – Costa Maya Beach Dog Rescue

What do you do when you see a problem that is heartbreaking but overwhelmingly huge. There are innumerable dogs here along the coast that for a host of reasons have been abused, abandoned, fallen ill, and are otherwise homeless. Looking at the problem in the aggregate, you would be justified in feeling paralyzed, that this problem is too big for any one person. But if you are Heather Johnson, you don’t feel hopeless, you roll up your sleeves and start rescuing them one by one.

Our Visit
Heather and husband Gil, built their dream house on the beach in a remote part of the Mexican Costa Maya 2 years ago. They have a stunning home overlooking the Caribbean. Everywhere they went, however, they were finding dogs that were homeless, skin and bones, with any variety of ailments from mange, ticks, and broken limbs, to hair mats so thick that even the ticks were dying in them. Over the last couple of years, they have been rescuing dogs as they find them, nursing them back to health, spay/neutering them, deworming, removing ticks, until they are healthy. They have placed over 20 dogs with new owners and have over 20 more at their home as of this writing. They have also organized spay/neuter clinics for area pet owners to get their pets fixed. To date, they have spayed and neutered 129 cats and dogs.

Nearly all housing and veterinary costs for these pups has come out of their pockets. Food alone can be up to $125 USD per week.

What can you do to help?
They are now working to reach out to visitors to the area. If you are coming to Acocote Eco Inn, or Mahahual, saving some space in your suitcase to donate some Frontline, Seresto flea & tick collars or even some chew toys, would help immensely. They also accept donations via paypal.
Most importantly, they are looking for homes for their rescues. If you have the capacity to take one of these dogs and give them a healthy, loving home, that is clearly the best option.

Otherwise, they have been developing relationships with rescue organizations in the US and Canada. If you are flying from Cancun to New York/New Jersey or Montreal and are willing to escort one of these dogs to the rescue organizations, that would be an incredible help. The preferred airlines are Interjet, Westjet and Air Transat. If you think you might be interested in escorting a dog on a flight, please contact Beach Dog Rescue as early as possible as it could take a week or more to get the travel paperwork complete.
Any one of the actions presented here would be an amazing gift and allow these wonderful people to continue rescuing these little guys.
Here is a list of needed items:
- Pedigree Dog and Puppy Food
- Hard or Mesh Dog Carriers (For air transport)
- Frontline
- Seresto Flea & Tick Collars
- Stainless Steel Food Dishes
- Gently Used Towels
- Collars, Leashes
- Bleach/Fabuloso
- Laundry Supplies
- Elevated Dog Beds
- Puppy Wee Wee pads
Donations via PayPal: beachdogrescue@gmail.com
Donations via YouCaring
Contact Information:
Email: beachdogrescue@gmail.com
Website: https://www.beachdogrescue.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/costamayabeachdogrescue/