Restaurant Review – Savora Bakhalal

If you are on a daytrip to Bacalar, or to the ruins at Dzibanche and you want to get some good food. Give Savora Bakhalal a try. It is an Italian restaurant right on the main square near the San Filiipe Museum The proprietor, Sandro, is actually the guy who owns Vivero Milagros, the place where we bought all of our plants for our place. He decided that Bacalar needed a good Italian restaurant and opened Savora Bakhalal last year. I had been meaning to eat at his place for a while now, but wasn’t sure which of the restaurants in the square were his. I happened to be in Bacalar (because I wanted a gelato 😉 and as I was driving around the square I see Sandro in front of his place. So I finally got to eat at his restaurant.

They have Napolitan style thin crust pizza, as well as pasta and sandwiches. On his recommendation I tried the anchovy pizza. It was very good, with the olive oil and salt from the fish just enough to be mellowed by the thin crust and cheese. Wonderful with a beer on a hot afternoon.

Price: 100-200 Pesos/5-10 USD for most entrees
Ambiance: They have tables right on the sidewalk looking out on the central square of Bacalar and the San Pedro Museum, and the Laguna Bacalar beyond. .