Xcalak Guide Profile – Jose Efrain Gomez Perez
We have a lot of great independent fly fishing guides here in Xcalak. I am putting up profiles of the guides in this space. I have personally been out fishing with every one that is highlighted here so I can personally vouch for their expertise and professionalism.

Captain Jose is a fixture in Xcalak. I finally went out with him a little while ago and found that he is great at finding fish even in tough conditions. He has been guiding here long enough to know where the fish are and when to go get them. He will work very hard to get you into a great position to get your fish.
Age 42
Years Guiding 25
Favorite fish: Palometa (Permit)
Favirute fly: Mantis Shrimp
Name of boat(s): Maricela, Lupita
Why started guiding:-Because I like the sport and you catch and release
Things you do when you aren’t guiding::-Tying flies
Do you tie flies: Yes
Favorite fly to tie:- Mantis shrimp