Xcalak Guide Profiles – Chucho Jesus Tolentino Hernandez
We have a lot of great independent fly fishing guides here in Xcalak. I am putting up profiles of the guides in this space. I have personally been out fishing with every one that is highlighted here so I can personally vouch for their expertise and professionalism.

It’s been a while since I have gone out with Chucho, (I’ll have to change that 😉 But when I have gone out with him, he is a machine for finding permit. He also has some insight into finding tarpon, especially in the summer when the big ones are migrating.
Age = 39,
Years Guiding = 20 years
Favorite fish = Tarpon, and permit,
Favorite fly = permit = Merkin crab, tarpon = tarpon toad
Name boat(s) = Yamily or Jessy,
Why start guiding = After being a commercial fisherman wanted to try something different and found guiding.
What do you like to do when not guiding = Hunting
Do you tie flies? Not yet,